In this publication you will find two ways to earn a lot of money without trading, without putting your money at risk.

Big spikes in price and earnings of up to 100 times what you initially invested receive a lot of attention from experts and influencers within the crypto community because they offer the hope of becoming a millionaire overnight.

In reality, these opportunities are rare and rare. Not to mention that only a handful of traders manage to catch these moves and get paid in time to get life-changing money.

Fortunately, catching a huge price spike is far from the only way for crypto investors to make money, and the emergence of decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFT), and the slow march of the Mass adoption of cryptocurrencies provide an almost endless stream of investment opportunities.

Let’s take a look at two different ways cryptocurrency users can easily earn money without resorting to trading.

First way to make money: Earning commissions and tokens for providing liquidity

The provision of liquidity is one of the main components of a DeFi platform, and investors who decide to fund emerging platforms are often rewarded with a high percentage of return on the amount contributed, as well as a percentage of the commissions generated by transactions within the pool.

Rewards for providing liquidity to the ETH-USDC pool in QuickSwap. Source: QuickSwap.

As seen in the image above, providing liquidity to an Ether / USDC pool in QuickSwap will entitle an investor to a percentage of the $ 23,098 in total rewards distributed daily and an APY rate of 33.81%.

Ideally, long-term investors would research the funds available in the market, and if a liquidity pair made up of strong projects or even a stablecoin pair like USDC / Tether (USDT) looks attractive, it has the potential to be the version. Blockchain of a savings account that offers much better returns than those currently found in any bank or conventional financial institution.Maximize your profits through yield farming

Yield farming is the concept of putting crypto assets to work in a way that generates the highest possible yield and minimizes risk.

As new platforms and protocols appear, they offer high incentives to depositors as a way to obtain liquidity and increase the total value locked (TVL) in the protocol.

An opportunity to generate income and as we all know is to buy the tokens when they go out in pre-sale. has announced the launch of its new Token for this next January 3, 2022. Here we have two double opportunities, 1) buy the token in the presale, and 2) provide liquidity to this token.

If we take advantage of the launch opportunity, you must be sure that you will achieve large but very large profits.

The pre-sale of the token is a great opportunity especially for its users, since the pre-sale will be first for its registered users, and later this token will be listed in Pancakeswap so that Metamask users can buy the token.

Second way to earn money: NFTs and blockchain games make play-to-earn a reality

Blockchain gaming and collecting NFTs is another way to produce a return on a cryptocurrency portfolio without spending new funds.

Axie Infinity is the most popular example right now, and the game involves trading, fighting, collecting, and raising NFT-based creatures known as Axies.

Playing Axie Infinity generates rewards in the form of the Smooth Love Potion (SLP), a game token that is used in Axie’s breeding process and is also listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges. Users can exchange SLPs for stablecoins or other large-cap cryptocurrencies.

According to data from Your Crypto Library, “Today, the average player earns between 150 and 200 SLPs a day,” which, at current market value, is worth between $ 40 and $ 53.50.

In some parts of the world, that equates to income from a full-time job. For this reason, Axie Infinity has seen a massive increase in user activity and new accounts in countries such as Venezuela and Malaysia.

Investing in cryptocurrencies, loans, staking and blockchain games provide a much higher return on investment than traditional banks offer in savings and checking accounts. As the blockchain sector grows, investors are likely to continue to flock to platforms that offer high returns for participating in the protocol.