
In this post I want to discuss faking (or redirecting) standard input and
output (os.Stdin and os.Stdout ) in Go programs. This is often done
in tests, but may also be useful in other scenarios.

The basic idea is demonstrated in the following pseudocode:

StartFakingIO(stdin to feed)


out := GetCapturedOutput()
if out != expected { ... }

We assume FunctionUnderTest reads from os.Stdin and writes to
os.Stdout directly (this whole post is unnecessary if FunctionUnderTest
uses dependency injection to take an io.Reader and io.Writer instead).
Therefore StartFakingIO should redirect the os.Stdin and
os.Stdout globals, such that the code of FunctionUnderTest remains


Since os.Stdin and os.Stdout are of type *os.File, we can’t just
use io interfaces to replace them; we need concrete *os.Files. Luckily,
this is exactly what the os.Pipe() function provides:

func Pipe() (r *File, w *File, err error)

Pipe returns a connected pair of Files; reads from r return bytes written to
w. It returns the files and an error, if any.

In graphic form:

Go pipe - write at one end, read from another

Here’s a simple code snippet to demonstrate it:

func main() {
  r, w, err := os.Pipe()
  if err != nil {

  buf := make([]byte, 1024)
  n, err := r.Read(buf)
  if err != nil {

This prints “hello”.

If os.Pipe reminds you of Unix pipes, that’s because it’s exactly what it
is. Under the hood, os.Pipe is
a thin wrapper around the pipe(2) syscall.

Given this pipe construct, it’s easy to come up with a faking scheme for

package main

import (

func main() {
  r, w, err := os.Pipe()
  if err != nil {
  origStdout := os.Stdout
  os.Stdout = w

  fmt.Print("hello to stdout")

  buf := make([]byte, 1024)
  n, err := r.Read(buf)
  if err != nil {

  // Restore
  os.Stdout = origStdout

  fmt.Println("Written to stdout:", string(buf[:n]))

Faking os.Stdin is very similar, except the direction is inverted. See the
full code at the end of the post.

This approach is the basis of most stdio faking packages you’ll find online.
Unfortunately, this approach has a serious problem in some scenarios.

Pipe buffers

Pipes on Linux have limited capacities. Here’s what man 7 pipe has to say
about it:

A pipe has a limited capacity. If the pipe is full, then a write(2) will
block or fail, depending on whether the O_NONBLOCK flag is set (see below).
Different implementations have different limits for the pipe capacity.
Applications should not rely on a particular capacity: an application
should be designed so that a reading process consumes data as soon as it is
available, so that a writing process does not remain blocked.

In Linux versions before 2.6.11, the capacity of a pipe was the same as the
system page size (e.g., 4096 bytes on i386). Since Linux 2.6.11, the pipe
capacity is 65536 bytes. Since Linux 2.6.35, the default pipe capacity is
65536 bytes, but the capacity can be queried and set using the fcntl(2)
F_GETPIPE_SZ and F_SETPIPE_SZ operations. See fcntl(2) for more

We can easily test this by extending the previous example to print out much
more to os.Stdout before trying to read from it:

func main() {
  r, w, err := os.Pipe()
  if err != nil {
  origStdout := os.Stdout
  os.Stdout = w

  for i := 0; i < 5000; i++ {
    fmt.Print("hello to stdout")

  buf := make([]byte, 1024)
  n, err := r.Read(buf)
  if err != nil {

  // Restore
  os.Stdout = origStdout

  fmt.Println("Written to stdout:", string(buf[:n]))

It’s exactly the same code, except that now we print out “hello to stdout”
5000 times, for a total of 75,000 bytes, which should overflow the buffer.

Indeed, if you run this program, it hangs. Sending SIGQUIT to the program shows
it’s stuck in the call to fmt.Print. Without anything reading from the
pipe’s other end, the program can’t proceed once the pipe buffer has been
filled. Obviously, this problem may not apply to most scenarios – you don’t
typically print out this much data, especially in unit tests. But it’s still
fairly common to get bitten by it.

To solve this problem, we have to ensure that something is reading from the
pipe continuously, to prevent the overflow. This can be easily done with a
separate goroutine, as the next section will demonstrate.

A complete stdio faker

I’ll now show the code a complete “stdio faker” type, that will enable us
writing code just like the “basic idea” pseudocode at the top of this post.
The full code with tests and an example is available on Github. Let’s
start with the type; all its fields are private, since the user code only
interacts with the faker via its methods:

// FakeStdio can be used to fake stdin and capture stdout.
// Between creating a new FakeStdio and calling ReadAndRestore on it,
// code reading os.Stdin will get the contents of stdinText passed to New.
// Output to os.Stdout will be captured and returned from ReadAndRestore.
// FakeStdio is not reusable; don't attempt to use it after calling
// ReadAndRestore, but it should be safe to create a new FakeStdio.
type FakeStdio struct {
  origStdout   *os.File
  stdoutReader *os.File

  outCh chan []byte

  origStdin   *os.File
  stdinWriter *os.File

This is the constructor:

func New(stdinText string) (*FakeStdio, error) {
  // Pipe for stdin.
  //                 ======
  //  w ------------->||||------> r
  // (stdinWriter)   ======      (os.Stdin)
  stdinReader, stdinWriter, err := os.Pipe()
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err

  // Pipe for stdout.
  //               ======
  //  w ----------->||||------> r
  // (os.Stdout)   ======      (stdoutReader)
  stdoutReader, stdoutWriter, err := os.Pipe()
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err

  origStdin := os.Stdin
  os.Stdin = stdinReader

  _, err = stdinWriter.Write([]byte(stdinText))
  if err != nil {
    os.Stdin = origStdin
    return nil, err

  origStdout := os.Stdout
  os.Stdout = stdoutWriter

  outCh := make(chan []byte)

  // This goroutine reads stdout into a buffer in the background.
  go func() {
    var b bytes.Buffer
    if _, err := io.Copy(&b, stdoutReader); err != nil {
    outCh <- b.Bytes()

  return &FakeStdio{
    origStdout:   origStdout,
    stdoutReader: stdoutReader,
    outCh:        outCh,
    origStdin:    origStdin,
    stdinWriter:  stdinWriter,
  }, nil

Of particular interest in this code:

  1. The ASCII diagrams showing how the different pipes are hooked together.
  2. A goroutine that runs in the background throughout the lifetime of a
    FakeStdio. This goroutine continuously reads from the reading end
    of the fake stdout to drain the buffer, ensuring that large writes don’t

And this is the ReadAndRestore method:

// ReadAndRestore collects all captured stdout and returns it; it also restores
// os.Stdin and os.Stdout to their original values.
func (sf *FakeStdio) ReadAndRestore() ([]byte, error) {
  if sf.stdoutReader == nil {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("ReadAndRestore from closed FakeStdio")

  // Close the writer side of the faked stdout pipe. This signals to the
  // background goroutine that it should exit.
  out := <-sf.outCh

  os.Stdout = sf.origStdout
  os.Stdin = sf.origStdin

  if sf.stdoutReader != nil {
    sf.stdoutReader = nil

  if sf.stdinWriter != nil {
    sf.stdinWriter = nil

  return out, nil

Here’s a usage example:

func ExampleFakeInOut() {
  // Create a new fakestdio with some input to feed into Stdin.
  fs, err := New("input text")
  if err != nil {
  var scanned string
  fmt.Scanf("%s", &scanned)

  // Emit text to Stdout - it will be captured.
  fmt.Print("some output")

  b, err := fs.ReadAndRestore()
  if err != nil {

  // This will go to the actual os.Stdout because we're no longer capturing.
  fmt.Printf("Scanned: %q, Captured: %q", scanned, string(b))

  // Output: Scanned: "input", Captured: "some output"


Writing a fully general package for faking stdio requires handling a whole bunch
of different requirements and scenarios; I’m not attempting to do so here, but
I’ll mention some.

My implementation has an additional method I haven’t shown so far:

// CloseStdin closes the fake stdin. This may be necessary if the process has
// logic for reading stdin until EOF; otherwise such code would block forever.
func (sf *FakeStdio) CloseStdin() {
  if sf.stdinWriter != nil {
    sf.stdinWriter = nil

As its comment explains, this is important to test code that reads os.Stdin
until it’s closed – think a standard Unix line filter program.

Another feature that could be added is a method to feed more data to the faked
os.Stdin; in the current approach, the only data to stdin is provided in the
constructor. To test interactive code we may want to send more data to stdin
after we’ve seen some of the output. This should be fairly easy to add – try it
as an exercise!

A similar variant is reading captured stdout data before FakeStdio is
restored; this could also be useful for testing interactive code. For this to
work, a slightly more significant rework of the code would be required. The
stdout draining goroutine will need to have its io.Copy broken up to
individual Read operations, and a synchronized way to access the buffer it’s
filling will have to be added.

So far the code takes care not to overflow stdout; but what about stdin? If
you need to feed more than 64KiB into stdin, the current approach will hang.
This requires a similar goroutine, but on the user code side.

Finally, this code only handles os.Stdin and os.Stdout; there’s also
os.Stderr we could capture. That should be trivial to add, if needed.

Redirecting output from cgo

The post so far discussed redirecting streams used directly from Go code. This
won’t help us if our code calls into C code that emits output to stdout
directly. I’ve discussed this scenario before in a post about Python,
and the Go situation is very similar.

The solution will be similar as well – using the dup and dup2 syscalls
to redirect the underlying file descriptors. These are accessible directly from
pure Go code using the syscall package. I won’t provide a handy type with
methods here, but this code snippet
demonstrates how to redirect stdout printed by a sample C function invoked from



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