F.C. Barcelona won the Madrid team, and it was the first time that the French striker played against the team in which he played for five seasons.

The return of the F.C. Barcelona, ​​Antoine Griezmann, at the stadium of his former team, Atlético de Madrid, was not pleasant because the fans of the Madrid team received him with whistles and insults.

The two teams met last Sunday at the Wanda Metropolitano on the 15th day of the Spanish League, with a 0-1 victory for visitors. It was the first time that Griezmann played against Atlético whose colors he defended for five seasons, being the star of that team.

Before the game, fans 'rojiblancos' vandalized the plate installed in honor to the French player in the immediate vicinity of the Metropolitan Wanda, placing on it stuffed rats, empty cans of beer, among other objects, while other fans chanted chants of "Griezmann muérete".

Then in the gallery exploded a deafening whistle, when the name of the Barcelona striker was announced by public address in the framework of the disclosure of the initial eleven of the teams. The Frenchman had to endure the whistles, boos and insults throughout the game.

Griezmann had earned the unconditional love of the 'rojiblanca' fans, and this apparently has not forgiven him the way out of Atlético de Madrid. The Frenchman left for F.C. Barcelona last July for 120 million euros (about 132 million dollars), although a year earlier he had announced his desire to continue on the Madrid squad, and closed his signing with the Catalan club before the end of last season, something that did not suit the board or the swollen mattress well.




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