YouTube has announced changes in its policies against hate speech on the platform, with three basic pillars. First, will eliminate hatred and supremacism by specifically banning videos of racial supremacism that justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion . Secondly, it will try to reduce the hoaxes while boosting contents from authorized sources (as they did in the case of Captain Marvel and others). Finally, the company states that it will enforce monetization policies, that is, if the creators consistently violate them, they will be suspended from the program of partners that enables them to earn money.

In a statement that the company has sent us boasts of all the efforts it has made to limit the visibility and spread of hate speech, something that, for all the cases that have continued to appear, have not been able to achieve fully or in measure. And we say this because the size of YouTube is so vast that even a victory in this arena may be insufficient .

The company presumes, for example, that limiting recommendations for supremacy videos reduced visits to these by 80% . It's something to celebrate, but the problem is that the remaining 20% ​​remains a gigantic figure.

New policies to eliminate hate and supremacism and fight against hoaxes

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YouTube claims to want to go beyond simply stop recommending videos, and as we said at the beginning, now prohibits " specifically the videos that affirm that one racial group is superior to another to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion, based on qualities such as age, gender, race, caste, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status ". As examples, they cite pronazi videos, which they recognize as inherently discriminatory, as well as other Holocaust deniers or shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Despite these new policies, YouTube recognizes that some of this content makes sense to researchers and NGOs that study hate to fight against it, so they are seeing how to put it at their disposal. On the other hand, recognize that the context will have to be taken into account for the elimination, which could lead to some videos being maintained due to the debate that they generate.

Another goal that YouTube claims to have marked is fight against misinformation, so important politically in his country of origin and many others . As we said, reinforcing trusted news channels (like The Hollywood Reporter or WIRED) instead of those that attacked content such as Brie Larson or Captain Marvel has been one of the great examples of the beginning of these policies. Thanks to them, they presume that visits to videos that would otherwise have led in visualizations have fallen by more than 50% in the United States .

The next thing they plan is to control more what videos to eliminate with intelligent systems, that in addition to detecting completely prohibited content will also do so with those who stay in line with what permissible . In these cases, the system will offer videos on that subject with contrasted sources in the "see the next" panel.

Given these measures, it is understandable that channels that continuously upload prohibited videos may be suspended, but the company at the moment it only talks about the strengthening of the YouTube Partner Policy Program . Those who breach the content in them will be suspended from the partners program. Goodbye to the monetization of the videos, therefore, but nothing is mentioned about the future of the existence of the channel.

Do it or not do it, but do not try it

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As every time a technology company with great social impact makes a statement like this, there is nothing left to applaud the decision to pursue more and more these types of content, and in general any with negative consequences for third parties. However, the real applause must come when all the evil on the platforms is mitigated . Something perhaps utopian, but that will be reached as more effort is put.

Today we reported that YouTube had actively decided not to remove the videos that harassed a journalist with racist and homophobic comments. A day after saying that Steven Crowder did not break any rule, he has been demonized.

Two days ago we also talked about how on the platform it recommended videos of underage girls after viewing erotic videos according to an investigation by The New York Times . For this case and many others that we have been seeing over the course of months and years, YouTube, Facebook and any company dedicated to this should do it or not do it, but not just try it ( sometimes they have not even done that ). And if they do, when they really have succeeded, communicate the finding with evidence. Until then, although the measures are positive, many people may continue to suffer.

